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COMING AUGUST 1-2, 2025: IndigiPalooza MT

featuring three-term US Poet Laureate and first Indigenous US Poet Laureate, Joy Harjo

IndigiPalooza MT, a celebration of Indigenous art and storytelling, is a collaboration between Chickadee, the Missoula Public Library, and Montana Poet Laureate Chris La Tray to help celebrate the finale of his two-year term.


We are actively fundraising for IndigiPalooza. Please consider donating, here, and use the dropdown to select "IndigiPalooza." 

Native American Studies for Everyone

This spring we're taking our hit course, Native American Studies for Teachers, and remaking it into a course for everyone! Are you someone who wants to learn more about #LandBack, language revitalization, food sovereignty, MMIW, western vs. Indigenous ways of knowing. and more? This 10-week course is for you!


February 10-April 14, 2025

No required zooms/synchronous components

Pay what you can afford, $50-$300. It's a fundraiser for IndigiPalooza MT!


Sign up here

Read the syllabus

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School Services of Montana Partnership

SSoM provides support to school districts across Montana in many areas, including mental health, training, and curriculum. To improve the curriculum they offer, they partnered with Chickadee to infuse their materials with IEFA. Four Montana teacher experts contributed to this important work.​


Funding Received

Chickadee is the proud recipient of $10,000 of unrestricted funding from The Llewellyn Foundation, which funds initiatives that address the health, education and well-being of individuals, families and communities.

©2024 by Chickadee Community Services, a 501(c)(3) non-profit. EIN: 92-3916963

Logo designed by Tiger Food Press.

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